

Matos & Associados – Advogados was founded in 1990 as a specialized Intellectual Property Law firm.

We are located in the city of Rio de Janeiro and we are able to provide IP services across Brazil and abroad through a wide network of associates.

The dedication of our team, made up of lawyers, engineers, technicians and paralegals with large practical experience and academic specializations in their areas of expertise, results in the excellence of our activity, recognized by the unique service we provide to our clients.This customized assistance allows us to deeply understand the client’s particularities and needs, reducing risks and generating business opportunities derived from their intellectual assets.

We are proud to contribute to our clients’ success by providing modern and efficient strategic solutions both for the protection of their intellectual property assets and identification of new business opportunities.


Our clients are served in a wide range of activities in the area of Intellectual Property Law, including:

  • Marks and Brands in general: clearance of marks and brands; trademark prosecution in the Brazilian INPI and in foreign Industrial Property Departments; trademark disputes and litigation;
  • Patents and Industrial Designs: Evaluation and analysis of patentability; preliminary searches and patent searches; patent prosecution and registration of industrial designs; patent application abroad (national patents, European and PCT); payment of fees (annuities, quinquennium, among others) for patents and industrial design registrations; technological monitoring and the filing of oppositions to patent applications; technical consulting;
  • Copyright;
  • Entertainment Law;
  • Computer programs (software);
  • Domain name disputes;
  • Structuring projects in R&D;
  • Unfair Competition;
  • Agreements: consultancy and development of agreements for licensing and assignment of rights in intellectual property; consultancy and development of specific instruments for the protection of trade secrets, non-patentable technologies and confidential information;
  • Litigation: Practice in the judicial level in cases concerning intellectual property in general;
  • Geographical Indications;
  • Franchising;
  • Technology Transfer;
  • Fashion Law.


Luis Fernando Matos Jr.


Law Degree from University of Rio de Janeiro State (UERJ), 1995. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association since 1995. Master in Intellectual Property Law from The John Marshall Law School – Chicago, USA, 1996. Joined Matos & Associados Advogados in 1991, and became managing partner in 2002. Member of the following associations: ABPI - Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual, AIPPI - Associação Internacional de Proteção da Propriedade Intelectual, INTA - International Trademark Association, LES - Licensing Executive Society e FICPI - Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle.
Practice concentrate in litigation and consulting in most Intellectual Property areas, including:
. Trademarks, Patents and Copyright;
. New technologies as well as the impact of new medias in the Intellectual Property Law.
. Strategy in building Intellectual Property assets
. Information technology
Languages: Portuguese, English and French

José Marcos Werneck


Law Degree from Cândido Mendes University, 1999. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association since 2000. Postgraduate Degree in Intellectual Property Law from Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO), 2001. Joined Matos & Associados Advogados in 1996.
Practice focused on trademarks, domain names, copyright, contracts, patents and unfair competition.
Languages: Portuguese and English

Simone de Freitas Vieira


Law Degree from from Cândido Mendes University, 1999. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association since 2000. Intellectual Property Law Specialization from Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO), 2009. Joined Matos & Associados Advogados in 2000.
Practice focused in litigation, contracts, procedures and consulting in most Intellectual Property areas, including copyrights, trademarks, domain names, softwares and unfair competition.
Languages: Portuguese and English

Marco Antonio de Oliveira


Law Degree from Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO), 2011. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association since 2012. Postgraduate Degree in Civil Procedural Law from Cândido Mendes University, 2013. Postgraduate Degree in Intellectual Property Law from Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO), 2015. Master in Intellectual Property and Innovation from Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office, 2019. Practice in Intellectual Property Law since 2008. Joined Matos & Associados Advogados in 2010.
Practice in trademarks, copyright, patents and unfair competition, with focus on litigation in most Intellectual Property areas.

Anna Carolina Dias


Law degree from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), 2017. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association since 2017. Postgraduate degree in Civil Procedural Law from Universidade Cândido Mendes, 2020. Postgraduate Degree in Intellectual Property Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), 2021. With studies at World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), at Associação Brasileira dos Agentes da Propriedade Intelectual (ABAPI) and at Escola da Magistratura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ).
Practice focused on trademarks, domain names, copyright and unfair competition.
Languages: Portuguese and English.

Julia Olival


Gratuated from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (IBMEC – RJ) in International Relations and Law, years 2013 and 2020, respectively. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association since 2020. Post Graduate Student in Intellectual Property Law at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) and Masters Student in Intellectual Property Law and Innovation at the Academy of the National Institute for Industrial Property (INPI). Accomplished additional studies at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). Joined Matos & Associados Advogados in 2023.
Practice focused on trademarks, domain names, copyright and unfair competition.
Languages: Portuguese, English and French.

Ana Luisa Richa


Bachelor of Laws from PUC-RIO. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association. Experience in administrative procedures and litigation in the areas of trademarks, copyright and entertainment, contracts, and unfair competition.
Languages: Portuguese and English.

Victoria Perlott


Bachelor of Laws from PUC-RIO. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association.
Practice areas include contracts, administrative procedures related to trademarks, domain names, copyright, contracts, and unfair competition.
Languages: Portuguese and English.

Adriano Pinto


Law Degree from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association since 2021. With studies at World Intellectual Property Organization (OMPI), Institute for Technology & Society (ITS), Center for Studies and Research in Law Teaching (CEPED – UERJ), and University of Burgos – Spain.
Practice in trademarks, copyright, contracts, unfair competition and entertainment law.
Languages: Portuguese and English.

Luiza Sampaio

Patent Specialist

Undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, 2011. Postgraduate degree in Environmental Management from Coppe/UFRJ, 2013. Biotechnological Leader on the Mercosur region, member of the BIOTECSUR Platform.
Practicing Intellectual Property since 2014.
Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Gabriel Guimarães

Patent Specialist

Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca (Cefet/RJ), 2019. With studies at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and at the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI).
Working with Industrial Property since 2019.
Languages: Portuguese and English

Luis Fernando Matos Jr.

Luis Fernando Matos Jr.


José Marcos Werneck

José Marcos Werneck


Simone de Freitas Vieira

Simone de Freitas Vieira


Marco Antonio de Oliveira

Marco Antonio de Oliveira


Anna Carolina Dias

Anna Carolina Dias


Julia Olival

Julia Olival


Ana Luisa Richa

Ana Luisa Richa


Victoria Perlott

Victoria Perlott


Adriano Pinto

Adriano Pinto


Luiza Sampaio

Luiza Sampaio

Patent Specialist

Gabriel Guimarães

Gabriel Guimarães

Patent Specialist


We are situated at the financial heart of the city of Rio de Janeiro, very near the INPI and the major state and federal courts of justice.

To get in touch, please use the email or the numbers below:

Phone: (+55-21) 3861-1250
Fax: (+55-21) 3861-1251

Our address:

Rua da Assembléia 35, 6º Andar
20011-001 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil

Avenida Engenheiro Domingos Ferreira, nº 2010
51111-020 - Boa Viagem - Recife, PE - Brazil